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Chef JE

Fire -Agni - Anjenaya - Purity

Fire - Agni the catalyst which started it all -"Cooking"

Although the real deal (fire)has been around, The way we have harnessed it has changed,

Firewood,charcoal and cow dung cakes were the major source of heat. Vedic says the most purest form is from the wood of mango, yet, the most purest of forms of harnessing it from the embers and cooking it on them and around them is the quintessential sign of PURITY.

Anjenaya : the folklore of Hanuman AKA Anjenaya is a mythology which baffles and makes us ponder of things that connects him and fire 🔥.

1. While still a baby, Hanuman, the child of a nymph by the wind god, tried to fly up and grab the 🌞 assuming it to be a fruit : Mango 🥭 to be precise but stopped by Indra with a thunder which left him disfigured by his mouth .

2. He was discovered in Lanka, and his tail was set on fire, but he used that fire to burn down Lanka.

So we thought it's will be apt to name our Fire-pit : Anjenaya

About- where the fire starts ? That's another whole lot of folklore which will lead to our wood fired oven.

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